NWK Arena bied aan adverteerders ‘n geïntegreerde gedrukte- en digitale platform om hul handelsmerk/produkte/dienste aan ʼn uitgesoekte teikenmark in die landbousektor te bemark.
Dié tweemaandelikse tydskrif, met ‘n drukoplaag van 4 800, word by NWK se Hoofkantoor, NWK Retail winkels, NWK Silo’s, NWK Meganisasie Bedryfspunte en Certisure takke in die Noordwes Provinsie versprei. Lesers kan ook gratis inteken en die tydskrif deur die pos ontvang.
Kontak Schmiltz Marketing vir ‘n kwotasie om in die gedrukte tydskrif en/of op die NWK Arena webtuiste te adverteer.
NWK Arena offers advertisers an integrated print and digital platform to market their brand/products/services to a selected target market in the agricultural sector.
This bi-monthly magazine, with a print run of 4 800, is distributed at NWK’ Head Office, NWK Retail stores, NWK Silos, NWK Mechanisation Operating Points and Certisure branches in the North West Province. Readers can also subscribe for free and receive the magazine via mail.
Contact Schmiltz Marketing for a quotation to advertise in the print magazine and / or on the NWK Arena website.

Ruth Schultz
(Schmiltz Marketing)
Tel: 081 480 6413
Cell: 083 583 5243
Email: ruth@schmiltz.co.za
Website: www.schmiltz.co.za